imageFollowing the success of his KISSING Topsy-turvyness series, Arthur Dela Cruz is unveiling an all-new founding. Written with newcomer Neelam Arora, MY Undoer is a new original graphic novel series from the touristed artist, and IT will be promulgated by ONI Press in July.

"Arthur and I have been wanting to collaborate for some clip now," Arora aforesaid. (Indie comics readers may remember her constitute from last year's SPX anthology, where a story she wrote and drew appeared.) "MY Uprooter grew outgoing of a desire to have him exemplify something disparate, something far afield from KISSING Topsy-turvyness. We started talking about the future and the kinda techno manga and sci-fi we liked, and the story tumbled out of at that place."

MY Ruiner is set in a out-of-town future where the government has situated strict regulations on free expression and weak interaction. This doesn't stop people from being born with the artistic momentum, though, and many young people are stuck with a desire to create and nary way to practice so. Skye is just much a girl. She sees grand pictures in her head up that she wants to put happening wallpaper, simply must do and so in secret. But secrets are not anything new for her-she is forced to accept IP enhancements that the common populace thinks makes her a junkie.

"The story begins to take off when Skye gets caught sprouted in a larger patch," Dela Cruz said. "She ends leading in between an underground movement that sees her potential and the USA, who wants that likely squashed. And in the middle of the chaos, she really only wants what all young girl wants: to represent loved."

"We definitely wanted to retain the romantic element that Arthur is known for," Arora adds. "Even in his violent crime stories, Arthur's central concern is the relationships between boys and girls and really, whoever. I am very much the same way. We wanted MY DESTROYER to have a humanlike heart, since in the end, it's wholly about the suppression of that heart. Whether IT's art or geological dating OR how one wants to dress, when you stop people from being World Health Organization they are, you're really stopping something that isn't nearly as surface American Samoa those elements paint a picture."

image"We were immediately drawn to Arthur and Neelam's proposition," aforesaid Oni Press editor Jamie S. Plush. "Sci-fi International Relations and Security Network't normally our traveling bag, but MY Guided missile destroyer has a mainstream appeal that ONI loves. Addition, with the whole romance element, and imagining President Arthu drawing the city-like landscape painting of tomorrow-we were all really frantic by the possibilities."

MY DESTROYER vol. 1 is a 168-page merchandise paperback, featuring black-and-white story and art, printed at digest size. It ships to comic book stores along July 14, 2004, and retails for $14.95. The ISBN for MY DESTROYER is 1-929998-94-5. It's suggested for fledged readers.

Readers looking for more KISSING CHAOS can rest secure that another one-shot will Be released by the oddment of the year, rounding out the series of adventures that volition comprise volume 3 and point the way to the next full-length series in 2005.

My Destroyer is ? &A; © 2004 Neelam Arora & Arthur Dela Cruz. Oni Press logotype and icon are ? & © 2004 Office of Naval Intelligence Compact, Inc. Each rights booked. Oni Press logo and icon art created by Dave Gibbons.