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Baby Halloween Costumes San Antonio

If you're still waffling on what kind of costume to wear for Halloween this year, let us suggest taking a homegrown approach. By that we mean putting together a creative costume that keys on on San Antonio and Texas culture and public figures. Consider this your puro San Anto idea list!

Pan Dulce
Dress up as your favorite sugary pastry from the neighborhood bakery. A cocha makes a great choice, but don't limit yourself. Make it a couples costume by having your partner go as a cup of Mexican hot chocolate or a package of Nestle Abuelita mix.
Photo via Instagram / artofzyanya

Isis Romero
If you've got amazing hair and a great smile, why not go as fired KSAT news anchor Isis Romero? Augment your camera-ready threads by carrying a pink termination notice in one hand and perhaps even a lawsuit in the other.
Photo via Instagram / romero_isis

Mike Yuchnitz
If you went as the Tiger King last year, keep the party going by dressing up as San Antonio's own Tiger King, the late Mike Yuchnitz. The optical chain owner became a local demi-celebrity by dressing like a pimp on his TV commercials, then grabbed headlines after he was arrested in 2010 for allegedly trying to hire a hitman to shoot his wife of 32 years.
Photo via YouTube / Ben Kubany

Barbacoa and Big Red
Need a couple's costume? Dress one person up a as styrofoam container of barbacoa — use shreds of brown carpet to stick out the top — and the other as a bottle of big red. Puro San Anto, baby.
Photo via Instagram / alanisgood

"No Fucks Given" Pop
Depending on which side of the political divide, you either love or hate the "No Fucks Given" version of Spurs Coach Greg Popovich who emerged during the NBA bubble. Remember when he skewered Texas' GOP leaders as "cowards?" Grab a black "Vote: your life depends on it" T-shirt and a white Spurs hat to complete the look.
Photo via Twitter / RealTomPetrini

Hispanic Elvis
"Though the debate rages whether he's "Mexican Elvis" or "Hispanic Elvis," he's a beloved local celebrity — and he's not Spurs Jesus. The costume is more relevant than ever now that the guy's got his own mural.
Photo via Instagram / taino_impressions

Chicken on a Stick
Costumes come no more festive than this NIOSA treat. Search for light brown carpet fragments to make your chicken crust and order a foam jalapeno hat online.
Photo by Jaime Monzon

La Llorona
When it comes to scary San Antonio lore, nothing beats La Llorona. Prepare to frighten everyone you meet.
Photo via Instagram / makeupbyanaisv

Baby Spur
With veteran players largely gone from the Spurs' current lineup, you have plenty of "Baby Spurs" to choose from. Just order one of their jerseys — 18-year-old Joshua Primo's is a good choice — and complete the look by hanging a pacifier around your neck and holding a rattle.
Photo via Instagram / spurs

Greg Abbott and Donald Trump
This one makes a great couples costume, so long as the partner dressed up like Greg Abbott is up for an uncomfortable Halloween. That person will need to keep their face firmly embedded in the Trump costume wearer's posterior all goddamn night.
Photo via aInstagram / governorabbott

TV Attorney
Seems like personal injury attorneys buy half of the commercial air time on San Antonio stations these days, so pick your favorite. There's always the 444-4444 guy, the diminutive but loveable Patrick J. Henry or Joe A. Gamez, who suddenly became a ubiquitous TV fixture during the pandemic. Be warned if you go as Jim Adler, your "Texas hammer" may be seized as a weapon as you try to enter a party.
Photo via YouTube / Davis Law Firm

Jalen McKee-Rodriguez
Come on, who wouldn't want to show up at a party as city council's best dressed member? Don't forget the bow tie!
Photo via San Antonio Heron / Chris Stokes

Striking San Antonio Symphony Musician
All you need is a picket sign, a second-hand musical instrument and that old tuxedo or formal dress you wore to prom.
Photo by Sanford Nowlin

Someone Hanging Out at Ingram Park Mall
If you're really down, you'll get the Marbach Mop and everything.
Photo via Twitter / mercadoprojects

Gov. Greg Abbott's Steel Wall
Use magic markers and scissors to transform a cardboard box into a Department of Public Safety vehicle that you wear over your shoulders. Staple lots of fake taxpayer money onto the hood. Now you've got the perfect representation of the governor's taxpayer funded anti-immigrant stunt.
Photo via Instagram / texas_dps

The Donkey Lady
La Llorona isn't your only option for a true San Anto-scary costume. This one may require some work, but think of the screams of terror you'll evoke.
Photo via Instagram / ashtenthorp32

Bud Light Can
What's more quintessentially San Antonio than a cool, refreshing and nearly flavor-free can of Bud Light? If you're attending a Halloween cookout, just be warned some tipsy guy may attempt to drink you.
Photo via Twitter / budlight

COVID Denier
Plenty of places on the internet sell T-shirts with bullshit slogans like "COVID-19 is an inside job" and "Reject Big Pharma," but if you want to make the costume truly scary, assemble a fake ventilator out of old junk you find in the garage.
Photo via Wikimedia Commons / Hu Nhu

Ted Cruz and [IInsert Celebrity Name Here]
Ted Cruz solo costumes are a little played out right now. Anyone can grab an ass-ugly fake beard from the costume shop. So, expand the Senate's part-time insurrectionist and full-time internet troll into a couples costume by having your partner dress up as Patton Oswalt, Daisy Ridley, Mark Cuban or AOC. Tweet insults back and forth all night.
Photo via Wikimedia Commons / Gage Skidmore

Thoughts and Prayers
Here's a couple's costume idea: Put on your best business attire and go as Texas Republican politicians tweeting after a school shooting. One partner can wear a sign around their neck reading "Thoughts" and the other can wear "Prayers."
Photo via Twitter / JohnCornyn

As Texas continues to wage its war on women, this costume based on Margaret Atwood's dystopian novel "The Handmaid's Tale" has become even more topical — and scary.
Photo by Hulu

Pastor John Hagee
Grab a Bible, an offering plate, a nice suit and some white powder for your hair, and you've got this costume covered. Of course, it's even better if you can spout some of Hagee's choice nuggets of wisdom, like "The Harry Potter series is the thing that convinces me the Antichrist is not far off," "Human sacrifice is common in America" or "We have a vaccine. The name is Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God." Amen!
Photo via Instagram / pastorjohnhagee

Go the colorful route and be a piñata. Just be ready to haul ass if you see someone coming toward you with a stick and a candy-hungry look in their eyes.
Photo via Instagram / ernestolivo

Beto O'Rourke
There's a good chance you applied fake sweat stains to a blue button-up shirt when you dressed up as Beto during his 2018 U.S. Senate run. Grab it from the closet, because everything old is new again. The former El Paso congressman is teasing a run against Gov. Greg "No Abortions or Vaccines Allowed" Abbott, a politician who seems to be working overtime to become just as reviled as Ted Cruz.
Photo via Wikimedia Commons / Gage Skidmore

Local Healthcare Worker
Not all costumes need to be scary or goofy. If you're looking for one that's truly heroic, forget the store-bought Marvel costume and suit up in some scrubs. These folks continue to work their asses off to keep us healthy through the pandemic — even when many of us refused to listen to the science and get jabbed.
Photo via Instagram / eveandpie

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Pan Dulce
Dress up as your favorite sugary pastry from the neighborhood bakery. A cocha makes a great choice, but don't limit yourself. Make it a couples costume by having your partner go as a cup of Mexican hot chocolate or a package of Nestle Abuelita mix.
Photo via Instagram / artofzyanya

Tags: San Antonio, Texas, Halloween, Halloween costumes, puro, Halloween costume ideas, San Antonio Halloween costumes, puro halloween costumes, local costumes, Beto O'Rourke, Striking San Antonio Symphony Musician, Handmaid, Pan Dulce, COVID Denier, La Llorona, Thoughts and Prayers, TV Attorney, Chicken on a Stick, Greg Abbott, Donald Trump, Jalen McKee-Rodriguez, Gov. Greg Abbott's Steel Wall, Someone Hanging Out at Ingram Park Mall, The Donkey Lady, Hispanic Elvis, Pinata, Baby Spur, Bud Light Can, Pastor John Hagee, Ted Cruz, Ted Cruz and (Insert Celebrity Name Here), "No Fucks Given" Pop, Coach Pop, Gregg Popovich, Isis Romero, Local Healthcare Worker

Baby Halloween Costumes San Antonio
